Woody Gets Shredded!

What I love about Woody’s results, is that he stuck it out for a year in order to get the results that he wanted!

You dont always get ripped in 90 days (while that is possible)…

Woody was 100% committed to getting in the best shape of his life no matter how long it took!

So here are Woody’s results and his story in his own words:

January ’12-April ’13.
Programs: p90x2, ultimate reset 2x, Body Beast, Les Mills Combat. Now doing x2/Body Beast hybrid w/some Insanity and soon some Asylum as soon as it arrives.


Turn the clock back to October 2011, my 39th birthday. Due to changes at the company i work for, the office closed and along with it went my gym. I was given the privilege of working from home, but I didnt have any equipment, so I kinda gelled for a while and got lazy and drank a lot. I was a little depressed. Yea, me the happy go lucky dude was down and out a bit.

After doing a lot of nothing in terms of my work out for a couple months, I took a good look at myself and decided I didn’t look and feel like I wanted to. Physically-I felt very out of shape. My months of being out of the game and not working out had left me feeling bloated, flabby and soft. My doctor also became concerned with my BP, as well as cholesterol levels.

Emotionally- I felt a lack of confidence due to my appearance. I knew that I could look and feel better than I did, if I only had the motivation and inspiration to do so. Knowing how Tony Horton, the creator of p90x was a tremendous motivator, it was just a matter of deciding and committing, knowing I would succeed!

At that time I made the decision “To get in the BEST shape of my life” by my 40th birthday! I needed lose some unwanted flab around the waistline, improve my endurance, and lean out. I’ve always been a “bigger boned” guy, and actually hovered around the 220 lb mark for a while. I didn’t want that body type any longer and I knew if I committed to the workout program and the diet plan, I would succeed. I decided to purchase some equipment, and enable a room in my home as a gym. I loved p90x so much that I knew when part 2 came out that I had to try it out. The timing was perfect as I needed a change, BIGTIME! When mom asked what I wanted for Christmas last year, I told her p90x2. Lo and behold it arrived a week or so before Christmas. Knowing I would overindulge during the holidays, I drew a line in the sand to begin x2 in January 2012.

Then my dear friend and rocking coach on my team, Sonja Josh Barber talked me into getting involved in a fitness team page, run by my present coach, Jonathan Schlenger. During mine and Jon’s first convo, he was like “what r your goals, how do you eat, ect” I was like, “dude, I know this stuff, and I don’t need any help. I’m an extremely focused individual, I just need some time and I’ll get this, FOR SURE!!”” He said: ” Why don’t u be a coach?” I said, “lets DO THIS!!!!! “

So here we are today, and I’m very, VERY VERY happy that I made this decision, and thank Sonja and Jonathan for getting me involved.

SO decided to also start drinking Shakeology, and working out and running like I stole something. I was in the best shape of my life within 60 days of doing p90x2! Remind u, my goal was a year. I was there in 60 days by doing the right things. Focusing on fitness and prioritizing my health over going to the bars and eating bad things. I worked out instead of going out, and made wise, consistent food choices. I want to live for a long time, and do lots of fun things, and you gotta be healthy to do that, right?

The biggest challenge was just committing and sticking to the program and eating right. I was a HUGE beer drinker and love chicken wings and pizza, so i had to do away with that business!! I actually went for a few months without ONE cheat meal, and I didn’t eat wings for almost a year! I was also traveling alot for work so making sure I kept up with everything while traveling was a challenge. Once I started seeing results from p90x2 and drinking shakeology, it drove me to keep pushing harder and harder!

So, I’ve now completed p90x2 twice, and started again this week. I’ve done p90x, Body Beast, Les Mills Combat, and did the Ultimate Reset twice. I’ve gone from 209 lbs and about 15% bf, to 186 and about 7% bf. My BP is normal, and my bad cholesterol is awesome and has dropped 60%.

Woody….you friggin ROCK brother and I am so proud to have you as a fellow coach helping to end this ridiculous trend of obesity in our nation. Way to stay committed…way to BRING IT!

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