No More Dry Chicken

This recipe is crazy simple and tastes friggin amazing!

If you busy like my family and I, then this meal is going to take you less than 5 minutes to prepare (if you rock a Gorge Foreman grill, lol).

One of the problems with keeping your sodium intake low when you’re cutting is flavorless protein…This recipe solves that problem and adds a ton of moisture and flavor to your chicken.

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  • 6 ounces – Chicken Tenderloins (cook faster)
  • 1/2 cup – 2% fat, cottage cheese
  • hot sauce – I used some hot sauce I picked up in Jamaica!

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  • Grill chicken tenderloins on Gorge Foreman Grill (quickest way)
  • Dump cottage cheese on cooked chicken
  • liberally apply hot goodness


If this recipe was helpful and it looks like something you’d try, be sure to click and share!

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