Hello RIPPEDCLUB! I have really wanted to document my use of Shakeology to show the benefits that I have personally experienced. These aren’t some comments that I copied and pasted from some testimonial advertisement. These are my true and honest opinions and experiences with the Shakeology meal replacement supplement.
I had seen other coaches praising Shakeology and ALL its glory and benefits and couldn’t help but think that this was just a way to get me to buy something. I think that in todays culture it is hard for us, the consumer, to not be skeptical about the claims and testimonials of any product, especially one that is focused around diet and fitness. With all the other pills, drinks and powders out there, we should be skeptical. After reading about Shakeology for a few days, reading reviews and seeing the results people were getting, I became curious. Eventually it was my coaches results that led me to purchase Shakeology. The one thing that was hard for me was the price, but when I though about it, this was a MEAL REPLACEMENT. So for the price of lunch every day (around $4), I was replacing the local fast food menu item with something GREAT FOR ME.
The first few days I instantly noticed increased energy levels. But the most noticable results this first week were my joints….they were no longer sore. I have been doing strength training for quite some time off and on, but P90X took it to a whole other level. My joints just felt strained. In particular, during the warm-ups of P90X, my knees didnt feel a hundred percent. Toward the end of my week using Shakeology, my joints have never felt more solid. I am really looking forward to the next few weeks and seeing what other results come.
Stay tuned in for the next 6 weeks, as I will have a full right up of my experience, week-by-week. If you would like some more information on Shakeology or to order, you can CLICK HERE.
As always, KEEP PUSHING PLAY…EVERYDAY and let me know how I can help!
-Coach Todd
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