Vote For Shawn! $25K Prize

Hey RIPPEDCLUB!  The big finale of the Beachbody Challenge culminates next month with the announcement of the $100,000 Grand Prize Winners (one male and one female), as well as the $25,000 Ultimate Health Transformation Winners (one male and one female).

I have had the opportunity to meet many of the monthly winners in person including Shawn Swisher here, but this is the YEARLY contest — the very best of the best.  And in the Ultimate Health Transformation Male Category, and my teammate Shawn Swisher is one of the 4 finalists!!

Shawn's Transformation

Shawn made a decision 3 years ago to COMMIT to a healthier lifestyle and as a result he has completely transformed the trajectory of his life by losing over 70 lbs and getting off obesity-related medications.  He also inspired his wife and kids — and pretty much his entire school and town (he’s a teacher and a coach).  He then took the next step and paid it forward by becoming a Beachbody Coach and motivating others.  Ironically, a family friend of Shawn’s — Bob K. — was so inspired and motivated by Shawn’s results and coaching that he also got amazing results and is also in the final 4!  What a small world!  So Shawn not only transformed himself, but he’s transforming others.  That’s the ripple-effect at it’s best.  When we decide to take control of our health and fitness, the opportunity to inspire and affect others can go so much farther than we ever imagined.

Congrats to Shawn, Bob, and everyone who is in the finals!!!  Now let’s Shawn bring home that prize!!!!!!

You can vote once per day, every day, between now and May 27th.  So we have 2 weeks to put the power of RIPPEDCLUB to work and help Shawn win the title!  Commit to voting every day.  It only takes a minute.  And it supports Shawn and our team.  If you were a finalist, I know you’d want the thousands of your RIPPEDCLUB teammates to stand behind you and show their support.  We can get it done!!   Every vote counts, every day.


When you see the finalists, scroll down to the last row and you’ll see Shawn.

Shawn's Transformation

Shawn you stepped outside your comfort zone buddy when you committed to living a healthy lifestyle and look where it has taken you! So proud to see how far you have come. You stepped out of your comfort zone again by paying it forward when you decided to become a coach and now you have one of your very own team members at the podium with you…how exciting! You earned it buddy! And I’m sure Bob will agree, lol.

Bob's Transformation

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