Beachbody Ultimate Reset



The Beachbody Ultimate Reset is something brand new from the line of “no compromise” products that Beachbody is beginning to offer. Really what the Beachbody Ultimate products are designed to do is to help your insides get into amazing shape, just like your outsides. So today I want to address exactly what the Beachbody Ultimate Reset is specifically designed for, as well as answer some of the questions that I had and you are probably wanting to find out.


What Is The Beachbody Ultimate Reset?

There are so many “cleanses” out there that have you drinking the strangest things at the strangest times, for ungodly periods of time, often without the desired result in the end. The Beachbody Ultimate Reset is the all-natural alternative to those harsh cleanses and starvation diets that actually returns your body to a state of optimal health – naturally.

Typical cleanses can do just as much harm as they can do good by starving your body of the nutrients it needs. The Ultimate Reset takes the radical new approach of allowing you to eat smarter (which I am all for) and better than you have eaten probably in years.

The Ultimate Reset is a 3-stage process which we will get into later, but in 3 weeks, what the Ultimate Reset is going to do is rid your body of all those toxic compounds that could be making you ill – and as a bonus, dramatically improving the way you feel by allowing your body to function at 100% efficiency.

This 3-stage process is founded upon the proven fact that your body knows how to get healthy, recharge, cleanse and detoxify. The problem is that we are the fattest country in the world and we love our Burger King and Tall Stack of flap jacks and the body doesnt get what it needs in the way of nutrients to perform these tasks. With the Ultimate Reset, you are going to be feeding your body with the amazing tasting foods that allow your body to do what it already knows how to do.


What Its Not – Beachbody Ultimate Reset

There are so many products and practices out there that claim to be the best cleanse or the best way to detox, but the fact is that most of them are friggin scary! By scary – I mean its scary what type of danger these products and routines can put your body in. Going back to the Beachbody Ultimate brand and the fact that there are “no compromises” when it comes to ingredients or methods was very comforting to me, so I am definitely standing behind this product. But what the Beachbody Ultimate Reset IS NOT is:

  • A Starvation Diet – In fact you are going to be eating 3 satisfying meal per day with the Ultimate Reset. You even get a list of acceptable snacks while maintaining your Reset.
  • A Laxitive – This isnt some magic colon cleanse that will have you in restroom every 5 minutes.
  • Fasting – Not the same as starvation, but can be equally detrimental. The Ultimate Reset is about fueling your body right, not depriving it.
  • Liquid Diet – Again, this Reset is about providing your body with the nutrients it needs to perform the functions it was designed for. A pure liquid diet of Lemon water or something could never do that.


>> YES! I Want To Reset My Body Today! <<


How It Works – Beachbody Ultimate Reset

The 21-day Reset Occurs in Three Phases.


With our constant consumption of preservatives and processed foods along with exposure to toxins and pollution impair normal body processes. During Phase-1, you’ll balance your body chemistry with four of the six supplements in order to optimize its systems. This will also reduce cravings or dependencies on things like sugar or caffeine.


In Phase 2, you’ll be reversing the effects of poor habits, unhealthy foods, and environmental toxins. You’ll modify your diet so that your digestive system won’t have to struggle, and digestive problems you may have experienced before such as bloating and indigestion will be significantly reduced as your gastrointestinal tract is cleansed.


When you reach Phase 3, you will experience a profound positive change in your mood and energy level. During the final week, you’ll eat foods of high-nutritional value whose nutrients are easily absorbed and return healthy bacteria to your freshly scrubbed digestive tract with pre- and probiotics. This will set you on the path to long-term healthy living.



What Supplements Are Used? – Beachbody Ultimate Reset

There are six types of supplements that all play a very important role in the cleansing and detoxifying process of this 21 day Ultimate Reset.

#1 – Alkalinize: For peek health, your blood should be slightly alkaline which is the opposite of an acidic state known as acidosis. Viruses, bacteria, tumors and diseases thrive in an acidic environment, but the alkalinizer in the Beachbody Ultimate Reset helps bring your body back to healthy pH balance which supports a rock solid immunity.

#2 – Oxygenize: Supplementing oxygen helps the body to eliminate waste from the tissue. This promote energy production and the transport of essential nutrients. Who would have thought you could supplement oxygen! lol.

#3 – Mineralize: Beachbody Ultimate Brand’s rare natural salt contains highly beneficial trace minerals that aid the digestive tract, regulate water content, and support cellular function.

#4 – Revitalize: With a combination of pre- and probiotics, the Ultimate Reset restores the healthy balance of bacteria in your digestive tract for a stronger immune system.

#5 – Optimize: Beachbody Ulitmate has developed a unique blend of enzymes to help promote optimal immune and inflammatory responses in the body.

#6 – Detox: Using a detoxifying clay, the Reset draws toxins from the gastrointestinal tract and with a proprietary herb blend, restores your system to optimal digestive health.



>> YES! I Want To Reset My Body Today! <<


Who Is The Reset For? – Beachbody Ultimate Reset

Really the Reset if for people who are feeling tired, fatigued, an honestly, just plain lousy . . . maybe you’re having trouble with your digestion or difficulty losing weight . . . if your body isn’t working the way you want it to . . . Then the solution may be the Beachbody Ultimate Reset.

In only three weeks, the Beachbody Ultimate Reset will restore your body to its original “factory settings,” (dont hit that button on your computer or your screwed, lol) so you’ll have more energy and greater focus, experience better digestion and a more positive mood, you’ll notice that your body is functioning more efficiently, helping you lose weight and improve your overall health.

This is truly a product that anyone could benefit from!


What Do You Get With The Reset?

The Beachbody Ultimate Reset includes:

Six supplements, uniquely formulated to help restore your body to optimal health

  • Alkalinize helps maintain alkalinity.*
  • Optimize promotes a healthy metabolism and effective body functions.*
  • Oxygenize helps provide supplemental oxygen to the body.*
  • Mineralize adds natural minerals needed by the body.*
  • Detox helps remove toxins and waste in the colon.*
  • Revitalize helps revitalize flora in the digestive tract.*

The Ultimate Reset Program and Nutrition Guide, which includes detailed step-by-step instructions for your 21-day Ultimate Reset journey, and a complete three-phase Ultimate Reset meal plan

Two DVDs:

  • Reset Your Health! Disc 1 includes instructions for your Reset and inspirational Success Stories to help motivate you.
  • Cooking Class! Disc 2 provides a video guide to preparing healthy Ultimate Reset recipes.

Unparalleled support from ME (Coach Todd) your Team Beachbody Coach and fellow Ultimate Reset participants

Exclusive Access to 24/7 Ultimate Reset Participant Portal

  • Online content including daily cleanse tips, recipes, and shopping lists
  • Mobile-enabled Web site content

Ultimate Reset Caddy to conveniently carry your supplements on the go

Ultimate Reset Bracelet to remind you of your dedication to resetting your body and your life



What if The Ultimate Reset Didnt Work?

No problemo! As always, Beachbody stands behind their products and puts their money where their mouth is with a full money back guarantee! And since the Beachbody Ultimate Reset last only 21 days, you have a full week to return it for all your money back! Crazy if you ask me!

30-day Money-Back Guarantee
We’re so sure you’ll love this program, we’re giving you our 30-day money-back guarantee. If you’re not completely satisfied, simply call Customer Service to return the Beachbody Ultimate Reset within 30 days from purchase for a full refund of the purchase price (less s&h).


>> YES! I Want To Reset My Body Today! <<

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If you found my post on the Beachbody Ultimate Reset was helpful, be sure you share the wealth on Facebook and Twitter. This is going to be the new standard in cleanses and you got the first look and opportunity to try it here. Also, let me know how your 21-day Reset is going in the comments below!

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