Shameless Plug :)

I am so thankful for the opportunities that Beachbody has given to me. I have gained back my health, my energy to play with my kids. I am now leading a more fulfilling life because of programs like P90X and The Asylum. My nutrition is on track and solid thanks to Shakeology. My motivation and accountability are ever present because of you, RIPPEDCLUB! I am so so greatful for it all gang!

Just today, recognized my hard work and dedication and published an article on my success! Check it out HERE.

There is no reason why YOU cant have the same success that I have. Dont miss your workouts! Always eat clean. And most of all KNOW THAT ITS POSSIBLE!!! You can get where you want to be with hard work and the support from me and the RIPPEDCLUB community. We are all pushing for you! Now BRING IT!





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