RIPPEDCLUB P90X2 Challenge!!!



I am absolutely pumped to announce the RIPPEDCLUB P90X2 CHALLENGE! P90X pushed you beyond your limits and now P90X2 is going to tear the roof off of them!!! Take 90 days and completely transform your body into something you never thought possible. For those who think that this is just some gimmick…check out what the original P90X did for me!

But now its time to BRING IT AGAIN! Only this time, its not just pushing play by yourself. You have an entire team that will be doing the exact same thing…TOGETHER!!! RIPPEDCLUB STYLE! You better push hard because the stakes are high and everyone else is going to be gunnin for the same grand prize as you (we will get to that in a moment though). So lets get to it!


When – The challenge will officially begin January 1st-3rd, 2012 and end April 1st-3rd, 2012. I personally will be starting on Monday, January 2nd. If you would like to start on the 1st, thats cool or you can start on the 2nd with me.

Here’s how it works

  1. You must first be a member of RIPPEDCLUB. If you have not signed up yet, its simple and FREE! CLICK HERE TO JOIN RIPPEDCLUB.
  2. You will need to PRE-ORDER P90X2 HERE by Thanksgiving 2011 to ensure that your P90X2 program is delivered before Christmas, and in time to start the challenge.
  3. Email me at to reserve your place in the challenge!
  4. Take a few “BEFORE” photos of yourself the day before you begin.
  5. Document your P90X2 journey with Day-30, Day-60, and your final Day-90 photos. All three photos must be included in your submission. I suggest taking 3 pictures at each 30 day stage: front, side and back.
  6. All final results submissions must be recieved by NO LATER THAN Saturday – April 7, 2012. Send all final results to
  7. Creating a transformation video is encouraged!!!
  8. Judging will be done by those who participated in the challenge. One vote per person for someone other than yourself. The person with the most votes wins!!!

The Grand Prize

  • A one month supply of Shakeology!!!!! – $120 Value
  • A one month supply of P90X Results & Recovery Formula!!!! – $50 Value
  • And the very first RIPPEDCLUB T-shirt!!!! – $20 Value

If these prizes dont get you motivated to be pressin play everyday, I dont know what will! One thing is for sure though: You will receive the support you need to get through this challenge! Here are some of the benefits of joining  a group challenge rather than going at it alone:

  • You will have other team members to bounce ideas off of
  • You will have other members to answer questions
  • You will have friends to cheer you on as you post your progress
  • You wont be alone
  • You will have a drive that cannot exist outside a group
  • You will have accountability
  • You can share in your struggles with others who struggle

This is all about team work gang…We want to support one another, encourage one another, give someone a swift kick in the butt if they need it. We are a team…Nobody does this stuff like RIPPEDCLUB. We make NO EXCUSES and press on toward the goal as one! I want you to get in the game with us and see what you are made of!

Please contact me with any questions!

Good luck RIPPEDCLUB! I hope you are up to the challenge!

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