The response to the release of Focus T25 has been amazing! People are coming out of the woodwork to get this program and join our challenge.
I think a lot of people got discouraged by workouts that lasted 50-60 minutes, and knowing now that there is a program that is just as intense where you can look at a timer and see 25:00…those people are letting out a sigh of relief!
I you havent checked out Focus T25 yet, check out the video below and get ready because the RIPPEDCLUB crew is already in motion and forming our very own Focus T25 Challenge! So its time to drop all the excuses…YOU DO HAVE 25 MINUTES A DAY!
RIPPEDCLUB is no stranger to challenges. We have had some of the best. We’ve proven time and time again that challenge groups work, and the results people get from the RIPPEDCLUB Challenge groups last a lifetime. This isn’t about sticking with it for a couple weeks or a few months for just a round of P90X. No, this about making a lifestyle change that is truly a change for life. But with T25 you are going to have even more time for “life”.
Are you ready to say ENOUGH!? Are you ready to make THIS YEAR the year that you change the course of your life? If so, come join us. If you aren’t serious about a lifestyle change, this isn’t your group. We have our regular team page HERE for motivation and encouragement. But if you want to go beyond just committing to a workout program, and actually commit to a LIFE CHANGE, I will support you every step of the way. I want this group to be the place where we form long term connections with like-minded people who will challenge us, encourage us, and share this journey with us.
T25 is a game changer! The reason being is that for so long people have come to me with the excuse that “I dont have time for P90X or Insanity”. I highly doubt that, but hey…now you got T25 and I KNOW you have 25 minutes a day, 5 days a week…And if you dont, I call BS and you need to prioritize your schedule if fitness and health is as important to you as you say it is…
Requirement to join the RIPPEDCLUB T25 Challenge:
#1 – You must be a member of RIPPEDCLUB, a RIPPEDCLUB Coach, or your coach is a RIPPEDCLUB Coach. (If you aren’t sure about this, see below).
#2 – You must have the Focus T25 Program. Click here to order if you havent done so already!
#3 – Commit to be active DAILY in the T25 CHALLENGE Facebook Group for at least 70 days (Alpha & Beta Phases of T25).
#4 – Commit to making this a LIFE CHANGE…not just a workout program you give a try!
#5 – You gotta FOCUS, and commit to giving this your all; your passion, your emotion, your time, your heart!
So to join, just make sure you are a part of RIPPEDCLUB and then head over to request to join our Facebook group. Make sure you have your program ready, Shakeology in the blender, and full commitment to a new you in just 25 minutes a day. This is going to change your life…if you make the decision now to commit to it! You ready? Because we start on Monday, July 8th! If you miss this one, just email me at to find out when the next group starts!
*** If you have requested to join the group and have not been added, there could be a few reasons why. Mainly there is a lot of checking to do for making this a RIPPEDCLUB Challenge. Otherwise, make sure you help me out if one of the following describes you. I will send anyone a Facebook message that doesn’t come up on a search of our team. Check your “OTHER” tab in Facebook messages.
1.) Is your Facebook name the name you signed up for RIPPEDCLUB with?
2.) Are you an “unofficial” international member?
3.) Are you not yet a member? This challenge is for RIPPEDCLUB members only. If you’d like to join you can make me your coach (if you don’t already have a coach or Team Beachbody account), just click below:
It will direct you to set up a free Team Beachbody account, and I will already be selected as your coach.
If you already have a Team Beachbody account, you will have to make a coach “switch” to choose me, which involves sending an email to telling them you want “TODD WARREN – 100335, at” to be your coach. Then CC me on the email so I can follow up with them and be sure the switch is made.
Even if I am not your coach, you can still be part of this challenge as long as your coach is on the RIPPEDCLUB coaching team. So just tell me whoever your coach is so I can make record of it.
Get ready to make THIS the moment you decided to change your LIFE! I plan on it! Lets get after this!!! You with me?
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