P90X – Round 3

So I am nearing the end of Round 2 of my P90X Journey!  Just one recovery week before Round 3 begins.  This round is going to be quite different from the rest, and I will let you know how in a moment, but first I wanted to recap my Round 1 & 2 so you can have a better idea of how I achieved my results thus far.

Round 1:  started off at 228lbs/27% body fat.  Before starting my first round I had purchased P90X 4 years prior and never completed more than 6 weeks worth of workouts.  This time was different.  When I completed round 1, I had experienced some decent weight loss, but nothing near what I potentially could have achieved.  See I only did about 75% of the workouts.  I was constantly getting sick and missing workouts and a lot of times, I was just too tired and lazy to wake up and do it!  Sadly, my nutrition was on par with my workout efforts.  I still had cheat meals and I wasnt keeping track of my intake.  So overall, round 1 was not a success in my mind.  I wasnt where i wanted to be.

Round 2:  I started round 2 at about 205-210lbs and my goal all along was 195.  Well, something happened about a month into round 2.  I got myself an amazing beachbody coach (I highly recommend it) and I had a brand new motivation that drove me harder than anything I had ever experienced in my fitness journey.  I began to press play everyday, and I began following the P90X nutrition guide to a T.  I got my Shakeology finally!  (click here if you dont know what you are missing!)  If you would like to see what I did on the nutrition during the fat shredder phase, check out My 1900 Calorie Diet.  So what was the result?  I blew my goal weight of 195 out of the water and dropped to 175lbs and below 8% body fat.  I lost 53 pounds and shed 20% body fat!!!  Check out My P90X Transformation video!

So what I am doing different in Round 3?  The most significant change that I will be making in Round 3 is that I will be using dumbbells rather than resistance bands.  I purchased some LifeSmart 5-55lb adjustable dumbbells from Academy Sports online.  This change alone I feel is really going to maximize my results.  I have also bumped up my calorie intake to 2300 calories.  My 1900 calorie fat shredder diet was leaving me super hungry all day long and I think my body was going into a mini starvation mode and preserving what little fat I have left for energy store.  In addition to these two changes, I have also began taking Kre-Alkalyn 1500 creatine.  This is a buffered creatine that is more stable than conventional creatine.  It doesnt come with the side effect of bloating like normal creatine and the best part is that since it is more potent, you take smaller doses which means that you dont have to cycle it.  This will be intended to help me increase my muscle mass.

Overall, Round 3 should be very exciting!  New resistance, new diet, new supplements…talk about whole body confusion!  The results will be Xtreme as long as I BRING IT!!!  I hope you are doing the same!  Oh, I will also be doing a review of change that I will be making, so stay connected to see when those reviews are posted:  #1 LifeSmart Dumbbell Review, #2 My 2300 Calorie Diet, #3 My Kre-Alkalyn Creatine Review.  Should be lots of good info to look forward to and benefit from.


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