Beachbody Summer Strong Contest

I am a firm believer that one of the ESSENTIAL motivators to succeed with your health and fitness is REWARDS! Thats why I am so fired up for the month of April when we kick off our Beachbody Summer Strong Contest where you can win up to $5,000 for getting ripped! These prizes are real and they can change lives! I actually won $1,000 back in Feb of 2012, so I know you can win too!

beachbody summer strong contest 2016


How The Beachbody Summer Strong Contest Works

It’s time to get #SummerStrong! Starting April 4th, Beachbody is challenging you to get Strong for Summer. In this 60-day contest, you’ll choose your workout(s), get support and motivation in our RIPPEDCLUB private Facebook group, and have a chance to win up to $5,000!

Here’s how to join:

1. Choose a program below to commit to! You can choose between 22 Minute Hard Corps, The Master’s Hammer and Chisel, 21 Day Fix (or 21 Day Fix EXTREME), CIZE, or #BOD Exclusive: Brazil Butt Lift: CARNIVALE << If any RIPPEDCLUB members go for BBL…You better be showin us some video of you workin out, lol

2. Commit to your fitness track by choosing a program below and joining the corresponding Summer Strong Facebook Group.

3. Submit your before photos between April 1st and April 30th and your after photos between May 23rd, 2016 and June 7th, 2016.



summer strong fitness programs



summer strong winners



RIPPEDCLUB has a reputation for getting crazy results and I have no doubt that this contest will be any different. One of the cool parts about this particular contest is that beachbody is revealing how they will be judging the results. Check out the criteria:

Overall Transformation/Appearance (25%): The overall transformation of each Contestant’s appearance shall constitute 25% of the overall judging score.

Statistics (25%): The overall healthiest transformation result as evidenced by statistical changes (weight loss, muscle gain, and other measurements) shall constitute 25% of the overall judging score.

Written Responses/Statements (25%): Responses to short-answer questions will be judged on the inspirational nature of the Contestant’s true and unique transformation story, as well as the originality, creativity, expressiveness and compelling nature of the Contestant’s description of the transformation process and how it has impacted the Contestant’s life. Responses to essay questions will be judged on (a) the compelling nature of the essay question answers, regimens maintained, and/or any dietary changes you made, and (b) the inspirational nature of the essay question answers, including discussing your personal transformation journey, any obstacles you may have overcome, and the achievement you are most proud of. The essay question answers shall constitute 25% of the overall judging score.

Photograph Quality (25%): The quality of the photographic image (including image quality and our ability to see your body clearly) shall constitute 25% of the overall judging score.

So what does this mean for YOU? You know how important nutrition is and you know that 80% of your results come from how you prepare in the kitchen. So during this contest, your nutrition need to be ON POINT the entire time. You gotta remember…you have people all across the nation shootin for YOUR PRIZE! Next…no skipping workouts. If you want the best results possible then you have to work harder than anyone else out there; and that means scheduling your workouts every single day as if it were a job interview. You show up and do your best every single day. And finally; you gotta be active in the challenge group on facebook. I have been doin these challenges for quite a long time and consistently, the people who get the best results are the ones who are the most active in the group: with posting pics, commenting on other team member’s posts, and helping to motivate and encourage the entire team.

Be sure to shoot me an email at to let me know you want to participate and represent RIPPEDCLUB in the Beachbody Summer Strong Contest!

Be sure to read all the rules here for submitting your results and qualifying for the PRIZE!

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