Resistance Bands VS Dum...

So the reason you are looking into using resistance bands vs dumbbells is to make the biggest muscle gains and fat loss possible right? Right! You want to be sure that you are training for the best results possible, not just “okay” results… What you are going to find...

P90X Arm Exercises

The GUNZ!!!! We all want em, we all focus on it, but most rarely see the kinds of gains they want, but the P90X arm exercises can change all that. With some of the most advanced bicep and tricep moves backed by years of scientific reseach, you are getting some of the most functional...

P90X Shoulder Exercises

You know that feeling after a killer shoulder workout where you go to hop in the shower and it hurts to raise your arms to wash your hair? Well take that experience and multiply it by 10 and thats what you get with the P90X Shoulder Exercises! You wont even be able to shut the shower...